13 April 2024

Back On The Blog: Reflecting on Time Away and New Beginnings

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Wow, it has been a long time since I posted here. Lemme make a quick check...well, my last post was somewhere in 2017. Seven freaking years ago! Apparently, my last post was about why I'm holding back on the plan for our third baby because I had never felt heavier than I was at that time. So, I decided to lose all the extra weight before jumping on a pregnancy bandwagon again, because I didn't want to be too heavy to be pregnant. From my previous experience, I knew that you will certainly...

30 May 2017

5 Things I'm Postponing in Life Until I Lose Weight

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11 years and counting. I remember I posted this same post in celebration of our wedding anniversary 4 years ago. It has always been my intention to reward myself with wedding anniversary photo shoot once I met my weight loss goals. The wedding anniversary is my specified weight loss deadline, to boost my motivation to keep going. But look like I had the same old picture here. Dieting for 4 years and lost... 4 years! What a shame. Well, weight loss motivations is a tricky thing! I have a difficult...

12 May 2017

Hot or Cold Foods - Which Type of Foods are Weight Loss Friendly?

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I am sparking on weight loss fire. No, I am actually burning, literally! Don't judge a book by its cover: Green unripe chillies don't mean they are less hot. Have you ever tried eating spicy food to lose weight? Remember that spicy foods, the one that are so spicy and makes your lips go numb. Kylie Jenner's lip effect, kind of feeling. Happening to me now. But worst! And I feel terrible. I love spicy food. So. Much. Not because I'm told that spicy food can help you lose weight and speed metabolism....

04 May 2017

5 Powerful Resiliency Mental Tools to Kickstart Weight Loss

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Today is 4th May 2017. Already? 123 days totally wasted! I feel like laughing when I read my old post at the same month from 4 years ago.🙈🙈🙈😅A lot has happened over the past few months - from our relocation to my son fell sick. I mentioned about our moving in and out in my previous post. 2 months after moving back into our old place, I am still not fully done with unpacking and organising the whole house. Yes, it's clutter! I'm a little messed up here. I cannot keep up with an exercise routine...

02 March 2017

Top 5 Emotional Hurdles That Seem to Disturb Your Weight Loss Goal

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Happy New Year 2017! Haha, totally too late to wish you readers, but may you have a joyful, bright, healthy, double prosperity and happiness throughout the year. I have been on a long hiatus, life is really like a roller coaster! Last two years, Mr husband's workplace had a major restructuring that he chooses to left the company and started a job hunt. We ended up moving to three different cities in less than two years. Moving to a new place, new city, new home stress me out. Honestly, it took...
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