11 February 2013

Day 1 on Juice Fasting - Learn to Breath Properly

Today I embarking on a 40 day juice fast. It's almost sundown. That means I almost get through a day. I  just create a Juice Fasting Attempt label to help me keep on track with this journey. This is actually terrifying me. I was afraid of not being able to stick to the fast. I was afraid to fail and break the fast too soon. Drinking plain water makes me feel nauseous. 

I don't do a pure juice fast today. My juicing machine is broke off and I just get ready-made juice from local shop offering fresh juice and cleanses. I had pork broth for lunch. It's so tempting to eat the meat, and sometimes I have a craving for carbs. But I determined to stay strong and try to finish this challenge. I keep telling myself that I'm not doing this juice fasting to get thin though I still expect weight loss. This is about making lifestyle changes, about diet overhaul. I'll try for a week first to see how I'm doing and only later will decide whether or not to continue for another 33 days. 

Along with Bragg book Miracle of Fasting, I am also have Max Tomlinson's Clean Up Your Diet: Change the Way You Eat to read while I'm moving through the detox. Today I learn from the book about the proper breathing, which actually aiding in weight loss. I want to share here the step by step to do abdominal breathing.

1. Take position
Lie down on bed or floor. Make sure you're not disturbed for about 10 minutes. Loosen any tight clothing. Place a small book on your stomach, on top of the belly button.

2. Take your mind
Take your mind through the body, relaxing all the muscle. Allow yourself to sink into the floor or bed. Focus on the breath. Feel the warm air entering the nostrils and the cool air leaving.

3. Breath in
As you breath in, push the book  up toward the ceiling. Imagine that your lungs are expanding right down into the abdomen as they fill with air.

4. Breath out
As you breath out, suck in your stomach and watch as the book lowers toward your spine. Imagine that your lungs are being squueeze back up into the chest by your abdomen. Repeat step 3 and 4 for as long as you feel comfortable, staying relaxed without forcing the breath.

Do you have any spesific breathing thechnique to relax and reduce stress? I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave your say in the comment section. 

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  1. I will be looking forward to read more of this hun. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, just followed you via gfc, feel free to visit again anytime :-D

    xoxo Pakize (Keke)


    1. Thanks for spare some of your time to visit here. Looking forward to check your new post.

  2. hi honeybee, i would like to wish you more power to your weight-loss and hopefully you will achieve your goal!

    thanks for stopping by at my blog & for the follow, I am following you back :) hope to see you again!


    1. Thanks for the wish. Hope to see you around again, soon.

  3. I'm about to start juicing to lose weight and to help with my endometriosis. You have given me an extra push. Can't wait to read more about your journey. Thanks for stopping by. Following back!

    1. It would be great to have someone along the journey. Tell me when you've started so that we can motivate each other.

  4. Newest follower here! Found you on the blog hop. I look forward to reading more!
    -Melanie @ meandmr.com

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by. I'll check your blog later. See around again soon.


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